豊臣秀吉と北野大茶湯 TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi and the Kitano Grand Tea Ceremony
「軍師 黒田官兵衛の茶の湯きらい」
TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi had an intimate friendship with the great tea master, SEN no Rikyū, and he nominated Rikyū to serve Emperor Ōgimachi at a special tea ceremony for the Court in 1585.
Despite having been influenced by Rikyū’s rustic wabicha-style of tea ceremony, Hideyoshi chose to express his individuality through a tearoom in which everything was decorated with gold. He also organized the ‘Kitano Grand Tea Ceremony’ in which everybody was free to participate. It is said that in order to hold a tea ceremony at this event, the fourth lord of Kaneyama Castle in Mino Province, Mori Tadamasa, transported water all the way from his domain to make tea to serve to Hideyoshi.
Under Hideyoshi’s patronage, Rikyū’s wabicha-style of tea ceremony grew in popularity and the tea ceremony reached its peak of development at this time.
The Great General KURODA Kanbe-e Initially Despised the Tea Ceremony
One of Hideyoshi’s generals, KURODA Kanbe-e, who also went by the name KURODA Josui, believed that ‘samurai should not become infatuated with the things like the tea ceremony’. However, during the siege of Odawara Castle he was invited to participate in a tea ceremony by Hideyoshi. Having attended, he realized that the tea room provided the perfect venue to hold secret discussions and thereafter he is said to have begun to study the tea ceremony.