千利休と戦国武将 SEN no Rikyū and Warlords
SEN no Rikyū was born into a family of wealthy fish wholesalers in the city of Sakai (now Osaka prefecture).
During the Muromachi period (1392-1573) Sakai was an autonomous city, ruled by a council of powerful merchants, known as the Nayashū, and the tea ceremony was extremely popular there. Rikyū was a member of the Nayashū and also skilled at the tea ceremony, having studied the wabicha-style of tea under MURATA Jukō, who is famous as the founder of the tea ceremony, and TAKENO Jōō. He later became a tea master for ODA Nobunaga and was recognized as being the third master, after Imai Sōkyū and TSUDA Sōgyū.
However, once Hideyoshi came into power he considered Sōkyū to have been too close to Nobunaga so he set him aside in favor of Rikyū. Having become important to Hideyoshi, he received the Buddhist lay name and title ‘Rikyū Koji’ from Emperor ŌGIMACHI, etc., and became the leading practitioner of the tea ceremony in both name and reality, raising the wabicha-style to preeminence.
In addition, his position as Hideyoshi’s tea master meant that he was respected by the leading generals of the period and is said to have become very powerful politically, so much so that people used to say ‘For private matters, Rikyū, for public matters, Hideyoshi’.
【 利休書簡 】
[所蔵先名] 東京国立博物館
[クレジット表記] Image: TNM Image Archives