黄瀬戸 | ||||
Kiseto ware is a refined style of pottery, decorated with floral motifs, etc. that have been engraved in the body below a yellow glaze, before accents are added using green or brown (iron glaze).
(再生時間 2'00") | ||||
瀬戸黒 | ||||
Setoguro ware mainly refers to tea bowls with a jet-black glaze. This black is achieved by removing the work from the kiln mid-firing and cooling it rapidly.
(再生時間 1'59") | ||||
志野 | ||||
「志野」は、真っ白な肌(長石釉)に鉄釉で下絵を描いたものです。日本のやきもので絹のような白い釉薬をかけたのは、「志野」が初めてです。これに筆によって自由に下絵を描いたのです。 Shino ware employs a pure white feldspar glaze with an underglaze motif applied using iron oxide. Shino ware was the first pottery in Japan to employ a pure white glaze, resembling silk. The freehand motifs were applied using a brush.
(再生時間 2'01") | ||||
織部 | ||||
Oribe ware introduced a green glaze to the decoration. It combined all the colors employed after Kiseto, while skillfully adding the patterns that were popular in Kyōto at the time.
(再生時間 2'04") | ||||
協力:可児陶芸協会 |
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